12 Mart 2021 Cuma

Burda şair aslında ne demek istemiş?

Tutmaz bir gün diğerini 
Bazen mutlu, bazen mutsuz
Ama yaşamak...Kusursuz?
Mümkün değil, umutsuz...

Yaşam devam ederken
Kendi köşesinde 
Çok da etkilemez beni
Alt tarafı
Çöl ortasında donar
Okyanusta kavrulurum
Esmeyen rüzgarda 
Dalgalanır bedenim
Dünyanın öbür ucunda
Buharlaşıp düşer 
Kaynar kaskatı olur
Soğur, fokur fokur!

Durdurmak ne mümkün?
Doyumsuzdur ruhum

En çok mutsuzken gülümser
Mutluyken ağlarım.

10 Mart 2021 Çarşamba

Cancer talking

Don't get surprised
Keep on working
Pfff is it possible 
To concentrate?
It's better to get used to it
Even though you have hard times
Just finally acknowledge:
It's the cancer talking
Not your loved one
No one could blame 
Their child
To have bought for them 
A nice boquet of flowers...

9 Mart 2021 Salı

Uykulu notalar

Mi mi mi re do la
Mi mi mi re do la
La la la sol la
Do si sol mi

Kafamdaki minik alanlara gizlenmiş
Minik melodiler
21 yıl süren derin bir uykudan
Bugün, kısa bir süre için uyandılar
Sonra yine renkli 
Ve sonsuz bir rüyaya daldılar..!

Fa fa fa mi re la
Mi mi mi re do la
Re re re do si 
Fa mi si la

Sunny memories

Was today
My skin has felt the sun
Until the point it burnt
The redness on my face
Reminded me of the sun 
And the blue-green sea
Like in the lazy holidays
We had together
When we were still friends
When we were still good...
I remember how it was
All the fun and pleasure
Of being a little girl 
With the biggest problem of the world:
Dropping ice creams
Onto the floor...

7 Mart 2021 Pazar

Darf ich?

Darf ich sprechen?
Darf ich meine Gefühle ohne Denken äußern?
Habe ich diese Recht als ein freier Mensch zu leben?
Einfach atmen, glücklich sein und lächeln
Die Sonne auf meiner Haut tanken
Glauben an was ich möchte
Oder nicht glauben überhaupt
Darf ich nur im Ruhe?

In need of

Today I feel sad
Luckily it is a chance to write something 
As I am more creative when I am sad
I don't know whether it is going to be good or not
But I don't care, do you?
What I care is though
As we grow
The number of real people around us decreases
I feel deeply the need for a friend full of encouragement 
I have maybe one or two 
But I need more 
Some friends just take everything out of me
As if they are there just to eat my soul
Until they are satisfied 
This is what I see in many friendships
Is it the normal way?
I don't think so, it shouldn't be!
I was OK to be alone in the past 
But nowadays I am in need of someone
Someone who knows my past 
Who knows my youth, my soul
How colorful I am in fact
And someone who has the power
To take me out of this misery
And talk and talk and hug
And just sit then together
And be in peace forever
Then discuss our existence
Space, time, biology, psychology 
And everything that might be interesting
And then even the least interesting things
Like a bee buzzing around our breakfast table.
Just celebrating the feeling of being together 
Without judgement 
Singing together and screaming together
Until our neighbours come and knock our doors
Crying and then smiling
Mixing the joy with the eyedrops...

4 Mart 2021 Perşembe

Fear of death

The fear of death
Visiting me every day 
Not for me, myself
But for a loved one
Is she going to die today?
Or the day after?
Or already dead?
My mind is wandering
Through these phases
Sometimes it gets out a little
But I am reminded again
By a traumatic event
It keeps going and going
Every day is another torture
My eyes see her then alive
She survives again
What about tomorrow?
Being alone makes it 
Even worse
Being rich 
Could have been the solution 
Which I am not
Those little monsters keep
Getting bigger and bigger
Just like my fear...